Wednesday, December 19, 2007

life in the lab

Life in the lab wasn't so pleasant. Every morning they would take test for at least 10 hrs a day and this shit hurts, hurts worser then get hit by Trin or Red. But when they hit me it reminds me of this fucked up lab were scientist and doctors of all kind. This was the set up 6 am wake up get strapped to a metal table from 6am-3pm i get shots shocked and everything else. If I don't behave the straps gets tighter and the volts increases and last of the doses to not feel the pain... it never works. From 4-5pm eat and rest and then at 5:01 pm get woken up by the gloves of a doctor who I killed for touching me when I slept. That wasn't a good idea because every since that day instead of eating at 4 it changed to 7-7:30pm. So, I got sick in tired of this bullshit and pretened to be dead. That was just the begining of my plan. When the doctors saw me dear in solitary room they'd be upset and when your dead there is no need to be strapped to anything. But they should of because I killed 5 doctors, 2 nurses and 4 scientist. Then ran out the 12 floor window and into the river and drifted far away from the land.


Shendin said...

And then you escaped and lived the life of crime until you stumbled across me and Trin?
Damn!!! And I thought I had it bad!


Anonymous said...

Poor puppy. [pets] Be prepared though, they don't let killers get away that easily.


Trinity Hunter Farbane said...

ummm you need to post more honey